DIY Pumpkin Spice Latte Pin Cushion

- 2 sheets of Pumpkin Spice Wool Blend Felt
- 1 sheet of Linen Wool Blend Felt
- A mug of your choice
- Poly-fil or pillow stuffing (foam would also work)
- Fabric Scissors
- Glue Gun
First, cut two circles from your Pumpkin Spice felt that are slightly larger than the opening of your mug.
Next, cut one rectangle that is the height of your mug on one side and the circumference plus 1/2" of your mug on the other.
Additionally, cut six 2" circles from your Linen felt.
Now grab your larger Pumpkin Spice circles and cut notches into them all the way around.
Next, glue your rectangle piece into a tube shape with a 1/4" overlap.
Glue one of your circles onto one end of the tube.
Now flip it over and fill the tube with the Poly-fil or foam.
Glue the other circle onto the top to close off your tube.
Next, grab your Linen felt circles and dab a bit of glue into the center of each one and pinch them together to dry.
Dab a bit of glue at the bottom of each one and glue them all together into a whipped cream like structure.
Finally, glue the structure onto the top of your Pumpkin Spice felt tube and then place it into your mug.
All that is left to do now is to add your pins and start using your new pin cushion!
Snap a pic of how your Pumpkin Spice Latte pin cushion turned out and share it with us!