DIY Birthday Glitter Felt Crown
It's time to celebrate! If your little one has a birthday coming up, this is the perfect DIY for you! Make them feel like a prince or princess with this adorable and super easy to make glitter felt birthday crown!
You will need:
- 2 sheets 12" x 9" Gold Glitter Felt
- 1 sheet 6" x 9" of another Glitter Felt color of your choice (we used white)
- 40" of 7/8" wide Athletic Gold Grosgrain Ribbon
- Hot Glue Gun
- Scissors or cutting machine (such as a Cricut)

Using your hot glue gun, adhere your number to one of the sides of the crown.
Now, take your ribbon and cut it into 2 pieces, each 20" long. On one end of each, cut a V shape and heat seal them with a lighter to keep them from fraying.
Insert the opposite end of one strip 1" into one of the open sides of your crown, sandwiching the ribbon between the felt.
Using your hot glue gun again, glue the ribbon to the felt from both the front and back sides of the crown. Repeat this step on the other side with the remaining strip of ribbon.
And just like that your crown is ready for the birthday boy or girl to wear and enjoy! Tie the ribbon into a bow or knot in the back so that it fits your child's head and then begin the celebration!